
Arigamix customisation tools
Developers of Arigamix created a subsystem where the customer’s administrator can do software adjustments to their business procedures himself. This does not only save money, but allows the ente...
Deski - assistant app of Arigamix
A cross-platform assistant application, Deski, expands the capabilities of the Arigamix web-client, providing better integration with the operating system (Windows, Linux, or macOS) and installed appl...
Speed up your business process without logging into systems by using Arigamix email notifications
This convenient and user-friendly method eliminates transferring and processing paper documents or scheduling in-person meetings. Document approval and e-signing with click on one link in the email no...
Solving staffing problem with Arigamix
Solving staffing problem with Arigamix Arigamix solutions offer a variety of settings for any type of organisation or company to set up remote, hybrid or in-house combinations of work. Rising problem ...
Implementing Academic business information system at the University of Ljubljana
Implementing APIS (Akademski poslovno informacijski sistem) at the University of Ljubljana Opening speech: Prof. dr. Emil Erjavec, President of the governing board Main presenter: Mag. Aleš Košir, H...
Image page segmentation mode in the OCR of Arigamix CRM
Arigamix CRM with built-in OCR module Upcoming Arigamix CRM comes with an efficient and user-friendly optical character recognition module. After the document reading process is finished, user can cho...